As far as gathering the data in each individual area, that's fairly sorted now, but the problem that will come once we have the data strewn about 10 different places is going to be getting them all to the one place.
I'm storing the responses in a text file at the moment, and plan to parse the data from files into a single database, but to avoid duplicating responses, I'll have to delete the files once they're in the database. this means whoever's gathering data has to do more, so I'm considering writing a small file that will be used just to collect the different files then replace the file with a blank one. This is all bells and whistles though, I could collect the data in any number of ways from manual input to some fancy web service.
Aside from that, I've been looking into using Jquery for a slider. It's either that or some good old fashioned radio buttons for those without javascript
Another problem that's appeared which makes no sense to me is that the javascript doesn't work in internet explorer, so i'm going to write some noScript alternative.
Once I'm happy that my form is posting to a file in the correct way i'm going to compile a list of small tasks to complete on the form and just go through them one by one, then get a few people to do their best to break everything :)
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