Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Development Begins

I began yesterday by meeting Lorraine Walsh and Janet Hughes to show what I did last week and the results i found. I decided to use agile cards so we can prioritise all the tasks so far. From the meeting a number of ideas and points came up:

linking into a mobile map being developed by the university
talking to marianne about spaces in the university
careful of the line between gathering data and allowing others to gather data
tinyURL as a link
2 forms? one for how good, another for detail
hosted in university
how to get many people to give opinions

we also came up with some ideas for the form:
Subject Area, not course
where they are
choices for what they are doing?
identify set of things

grid idea

where I am in library
what would make it better
get back to them: Email
top 10popular areas
top spots this week
rate my ILS
fact finding fun

Lorraine kept the cars to decide how much value to give to each of the cards.
one thing that came out of the meeting was we definately need to develop a web application at some point in order to get feedback, so I got started on that yesterday and today.

Once the meeting was done Janet and I tried to arrange a meeting with Marianne Kenley, who is in charge of all the space available about dundee university, and looked into where the application ould be stored. It definately has to be stored on university servers, but in estates and buildings, Library facilities? where?

Either way I looked into the facilitie ICS uses and It's going to have to be done in php it seems. I have less experience in this language, but nothing a few chapters of php for dummies wont solve.

Today I'm making some example forms with ideas for javascript and non-javascript elements.

the challenge i see is keeping the format interesting, and finding the tools i need for specific ideas to be implemented.

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