Friday, 16 July 2010

Week 1 Summary

So here we are. First week down and now we have a map to match the endless directions we can take this project.

On Monday we had a morning meeting with Janet and Lorraine so i could get a sense of where i should focus along with what the main needs of the project are. In the afternoon I visited some of the places on campus.

On Tuesday I visited the rest of the spaces and focused on the question of how much they're used, and what they're used for.

On Wednesday I know vaguely what they were used for and how, but I didn't know the all important why, which is at the heart of everything we do, so I phoned around a few places asking the reasons they went where they went. I wrote down the main ideas that had come up and where their strengths lie

On Thursday I investigated further into the way these applications could be created, and how difficult they are to set up. I wrote some of the pros and cons of each

On Friday(today) I felt like i was getting too bogged down in implementation, so I took an hour to summarise what Janet and Lorraine really wanted. I used this summary to define conscisely the what and why of the system:

"An application focused on gathering data about why and how the informal learning spaces in Dundee University are used from the students' point of view. The code needs to be understandable because this is a prototype that someone else might take over."

We have a meeting with Lorraine on Monday to present what i've found about all the different possibilities, which I'm going to present with agile cards. these are as follows

(cards to be typed)

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